Rep. Huffman Statement on Vote Against H. Res. 311

April 26, 2023

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) released the following statement on his vote against H. Res. 311:

“For many years, I have consistently supported resolutions, bills and foreign aid commitments that affirm the close relationship and strategic alliance the United States has always had with the state of Israel.  I was prepared to support H.Res. 311, as well, until I discovered two significant problems.  First, unlike previous resolutions, H.Res 311 conspicuously omits any reference to supporting a two-state solution.  And second, instead of acknowledging what is currently happening to democracy and the rule of law in Israel, the resolution praises the Israeli government’s commitment to our “shared values” and “democracy.”  Even though I am a longstanding supporter of the US-Israel relationship, I cannot in good conscience support a resolution that is so tone deaf regarding the actual state of “democracy” and our “shared values,” which are under assault by the current rightwing government in Israel.  Pretending that everything is just fine with democracy and the rule of law in Israel is an insult to the hundreds of thousands of brave Israeli citizens who have taken to the streets in protest because they know their democracy and our “shared values” are in jeopardy.  I stand in solidarity with those protestors, and believe Congress should follow the lead of President Biden and other world leaders who are conveying grave concerns about the Netanyahu government’s radical agenda, not gaslighting and pretending everything is fine.”